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31 December 2011
Glad to See You GO..Bye Bye 2011
I must say I am SO GLAD to see the year 2011 GO!! This year has been nothing but hell for the most part. I don't even know where to start with a rundown of the year most of the year is now a BIG blur just the main parts I do remember and really wish those went right into the big blur the rest of year went to.
I won't so much do a run down of the year by the month just a few highlights one year of marriage,Army bullshit,money issues,"friend" issues,health problems of my own as well as my mom,reconnected with an amazing friend who I am glad we reconnected like we use to be,lied to,cheated on,abused,divorce,school,new job and so much more!!! That is pretty much the highlights.
I reconnected with a friend of 5 years and I can say that was AMAZING Love him tons!!!
Started Truck Driver Training on September 10th and Graduated December 10th took me a few weeks longer then the program is suppose to but I DID IT I have my Class A CDLS.
I was able to spend a week with my longtime best friend of 12 years when she came in from Cali!! Love her face and can't wait til she comes home!!!
~BRING ON 2012~
I am so ready to see what 2012 holds for me!!!
So far I know it is going to hold some challenges and tons of changes but I will go into detail about all that later!!!!
I will close out my LAST blog for 2011 with be on the lookout for NEW YEAR'S updates pertaining to many things that have happened or will be happening to make 2012 MY year!!! I will have a new review up for a toy company as well as my sponsored posts!!! I am OOBER EXCITED that I will be able to blog on the go since I have a Droid again :) YAYNESS so I should be blogging more :) Whoop
15 December 2011
Eden Fantasys Isn't Just Toys!!
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06 December 2011
Do You Own A Blog?! Check This Out
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29 November 2011
Advance Clitoral Pump-Review
What is it made of?-The The Advanced Clitoral Pump is made of Plastic and TPR materials. The toy itself is made of plastic while the two stimulators are made out of TPR. What does this mean? Well on Eden's safety rating scale it would make this toy a "7" which means that it isn't the best material nor the worst material to be used in a toy. Plastic and TPR can't be sterilized so I wouldn't recommend sharing this item with anyone. TPR products can be used with water based and silicone lubricants.
The controls of this Sex Toy are very simple one little button that if you push it will go through the three vibration settings it has. Also has a semi bendable neck so it makes for easier positioning for you to get the right spot :) The bulb is kind of hard to squeeze as you pump it gets stuck like stays smushed in and you have to wait for it to fully pop back out before pumping again and if you ask me that just prolongs your climax time. The little heart shaped button at the bottom is to release the pressure before removing the pump from your clitoris.
To clean your The Advanced Clitoral Pump I would recommend spraying it down with an antibacterial toy cleaner solution. You could also removed the stimulator heads an wash them in warm or hot water using an antibacterial soap.
The Advanced Clitoral Pump: Is about 7" long and about 2" wide. The weight is less then a pound, you could easily store this in your dresser drawer or nightstand with no problem. I would recommend though putting it inside a toy bag or plastic ziplock bag to keep it from touching your other toys.
This toy takes 2AAA batteries and the vibrations are NOT very strong to me. For someone who likes strong vibrations I wouldn't recommend this item to you. On a Vroom Scale of 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest sadly this rates right at about a 2/3 for me. On a Buzz Scale from 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest for sound this falls in the 1 side of things.The Advanced Clitoral Pump is very quiet no one would know what you were doing behind your closed door.
Other ideas for using The Advanced Clitoral Pump: I haven't tried it but if you like nipple stimulation you could very well try this out since it would work better and easier to reach the controls since it is up closer to your hands. You could really use this as a multipurpose toy from clitoral suction to nipple play.
To see other reviews on this item go to Other Reviews on the Advanced Clitoral Pump.
Other ideas for using The Advanced Clitoral Pump: I haven't tried it but if you like nipple stimulation you could very well try this out since it would work better and easier to reach the controls since it is up closer to your hands. You could really use this as a multipurpose toy from clitoral suction to nipple play.
To see other reviews on this item go to Other Reviews on the Advanced Clitoral Pump.
Checkout Eden Fantasys for more options of clitoral pumps and other items you can use with your partner or solo.
08 November 2011
I had the pleasure of doing a review with Va-Va-Voom :)
The item they sent me was the Extase La Metropole Mini in magenta.
The Extase La Metropole Mini comes with a gift box that is wonderful for using for storage if you keep your toys in a toy box or drawer so it isn't touching other toys. This little baby is slim so is wonderful for a beginner as this is not an intimidating toy at all. I personally used this for clitoral stimulation during foreplay as well as stimulation to the testicles while pleasuring my boyfriend. If you and your other half both like vibrations while having intercourse you could simply lay this in between you and him while you are in missionary or on top riding him.
The different speeds and patterns are wonderful as well when giving a massage or using for sexual pleasure. You NEVER know what sensation will happen next when you push the control button!! This toy is EASY to use as the control is a push button on the bottom of the vibe. One neat this about the control is that it has a light on it why I have no clue but thought it was pretty neat!!
The Extase La Metropole Mini also has a curved tip that you can use for G-Spot pleasure if you chose to use it for penetration. Not only is this a PC,ABS material toy the base (colored part) is aluminium alloy. This toy is very smooth with no bumps or pleasure textures.
Extase La Metropole Mini is a wonderful ON THE GO toy as well since it is small enough to fit into any purse or cosmetic bag!! It also comes with this satin pouch which no one will know what it is unless they open up the pouch. Yup you guessed it this went On The Go with me when I went and stayed with my boyfriend last week once he found a battery for it he slipped it right into the case and dropped it in my bag with all my clothes.
Very discreet when in the pouch you couldn't tell that there is a vibrator in there just by looking at it!!! Which is a plus if you have people who try going through your purse or if you work at a place that has to look in your purse to make sure you aren't taking merchandise they would NEVER know what is inside unless they did a detailed search.
Very easy to clean with either a baby wipe or toy clean and towel. I would recommend Extase La Metropole Mini to people who would love a little vibe for foreplay or something small and simple for on the go :) Not to mention if you forget to lock your door and someone happens to walk in very easy to hide. This toy has wonderful vibrations but is VERY quiet as well,which is ALWAYS a plus if you live with others. My overall review of this items is 4stars!!
This is the back of the gift box with all the measurements and material information :) Also included but not pictured are the instruction guides in MANY different languages which is AWESOME if you ask me :)
The Extase La Metropole Mini comes in FOUR colors Pink,Magenta,Turquoise and Black :)
Hot + Sexy Warming Lubricant-Review
It is that time again :)
I had the chance to try out Doc Johnson's Doc Johnson's Hot + Sexy Warming Water Base Lubricant from Eden Fantasys.I have pictures to share as always but they aren't the best quality as the flash kept glaring on the packaging.
*Cinnamon-My thoughts on this one was well it has a cinnamon taste but wasn't a fave of mine.
*Hot Cherry-Was NASTY to me tasted nothing like cherry an left an after taste that wasn't very pleasant.
*Strawberry-Again I was disappointed in this one as well because I didn't taste strawberry it was nasty.
*Vanilla-Overall this one was my FAVE it had a sweet taste but tasted like Vanilla!! The Vanilla one I will admit is in the console of the car ;) for those on the go moments with my other half.
*Watermelon-Disappointed me as well because it too didn't taste like watermelon to me.
I can say that I got a wonderful reaction out of my boyfriend with the warming of the lube the lube warmed when rubbed on and blown on :)and like I said the Vanilla was my FAVE (: I loved the taste and he enjoyed the warming sensations (:
I will only use this lubricant for oral pleasure as it does contain Glycerin which can become sticky and is sweet tasting so in this case I would NOT use this lubricant as a personal lube for intercourse or toy play.
The packing of this product is very simple and the tubes are 1fl oz a piece so you get 5fl oz of lube with this package. The tubes have flip tops so you don't have to worry about twisting off a cap and loosing it in the moment. However a con to this is the dispense hole isn't small so be careful when squeezing the lube out as it does come out fast and you will end up with more then you need.
To order your's check out Eden Fantasys for your lube and sex toys needs.
31 October 2011
Clone A Willy Kit-Review
The directions were very easy to read and follow. Very self explanatory as well. I NEVER thought in a million years duct tape and sex toys would be mentioned in the same instructions. Most everything that wasn't included in the kit could be found in ANY home,I mean what home doesn't have scissors,duct tape,a pen,cardboard,a bowl and spatula?
I will say however that this was an epic FAIL for us as the molding powder set WAY to fast so we couldn't get the impression of the boyfriend's penis :( I was disappointed and we did everything within the time frame for the most part may have been off by a few seconds. If there was a way to get this kit again I would LOVE to try it or at least get the molding powder. I would LOVE for this to have worked out so that I could "have" my boyfriend whenever I wanted him when he isn't home. There were tons of laughs while trying to do this which could have also played a role into why we were a little overtime. We did keep the "pre-measured" tube as he would call it so if we are able to get the molding powder or a new kit we don't have to measure again. Would I recommend this product to others I can't really give an honest answer as mine didn't go as planned.
25 October 2011
Rolling With It
I am not really sure what to name this post as there is tons of things to be said so we will just go with "Rolling With It" cause that is pretty much what I am doing. I will say that I have been blessed with an AMAZING man,an AWESOME set of parents,a wonderful opportunity to better myself and a not so great job.
School is going well I have driven over 200 miles in the rigs :) I should be graduating this weekend but I am not sure how that will go. I have done really well so far I past my PTI test which would be the Pre-Trip Inspection that is done everyday on the truck before hitting the road. All I have left to do is my skills testing (backing the tractor and trailer into the proper holes),my road test and my final. My backing skills are NOT up to par so to speak I need more work on them.
Work is well can't really say work I work maybe one or two days a week and that BARELY pays my car insurance,cell phone bill and gas in my car. I can't wait til I have my CDL in hand so I can be out making better money doing something that I love.
Be on the lookout for a few reviews coming next week for The Adult Toy Shoppe I can't wait to get this review underway as it is for the Clone A Willy :) I am so EXCITED for this one,means I can have my boyfriend whenever I want to. Should be tons of fun and packed full of laughs as we have already died laughing just thinking about how this is going to work. I have Hot Sexy Flavored Lubes coming in soon from Eden Fantasys so be looking for these reviews. Today I was also accepted into the review program over at Va Va Voom with them I will be getting my VERY FIRST Rechargeable vibrator I can't wait I am ooberly EXCITED for this one as well.
I must say through everything I have been through in the past 6 months I am doing pretty well for myself and I have an AMAZING support system as well. I so can't wait to see what the future holds for me!!
11 October 2011
Futurotic Nice-n-Tight
I had the pleasure of getting another review item from Eden Fantasys this time I went a different route and got something for my other half for when he is away. We had the opportunity to test out a male sex toy in which I ONLY received the package before handing it off to him so from his point of view (OH BOY) here is the review I can give.
I was told that the Futurotic nice-n-tight was AMAZING and easy to clean up. I would recommend using a lube with this toy one for a better experience and two because you don't want to rub yourself raw. This toy is made of futurotic material that feels almost life like similar to the Cyber Skin toys. Good for any size as it stretches to fit your man's penis into. This is also a ribbed toy for more excitement for your man with the ribbed feeling. From the expression my other half gave me this is an item I would recommend to someone looking to get their man a pre-approved girlfriend ;)
Pleasure My Spot Review
I had the pleasure of testing some items from Pleasure My Spot. I received the Ribbed Rabbit With Anal Tickler and the Thumper Vibrating Cock Ring,I must say that the cock ring has MAJOR vibrations and is waterproof as stated on the package :) It packs A LOT of vibration for something so tiny! Very stretchy to fit any size penis or vibrator if you would like to turn on of your dildos into a clitoral stimulation vibrator.

Overall I was pleased with the products and the fast shipping I received with a Delivery Conformation number as well so I was able to track my package every step of the way. To see the products I had to chance to review click on the highlighted areas of this post to be directed to Pleasure My Spot's website. Tons of AWESOME stuff to choose from.
20 September 2011
Much Needed Update :)
Time for a MUCH needed update...Things around here have been CRAZY which is why there hasn't been a blog post from me in over a month! Insane I know I use to blog all the time. I have some reviews coming up in the next week or so that I need to get up and posted but still need to test the items ;)
Well I have started school I am in headed into my 3rd week and so far I am loving it. Trucker girl here :) I passed the test my FIRST time to get my CDL Permit which means I can drive the trucks with someone who has a Class A permit as well. Very exciting my instructors are pretty much awesome as well. I love it there.
I started work too which is another reason why I haven't had time to blog. Work is work of course just ready for the park to open.
18 August 2011
Lucid Dream No. 42 – Review
I received my new sex toy pretty much 3 business days after I chose the item!!! So super FAST shipping once again. I heard the screen door and peaked out the peep hole and seen a box sitting on my porch slung open the door and there sat the Lucid Dream No. 42!!! I brought the box inside to my room and opened it up just to see what it looked like. I will say that this item NEEDS to be aired out or cleaned VERY WELL as it had a horrible smell due to the jelly material it is made of!!
Controller is on a cord that you can have laying next to you so that you have easy control over how fast or slow you prefer your vibrations.
Waterproof-I personally have NOT tested that theory aside from washing my toy off in the sink I did NOT submerge the controller in the water
Uses 2 AA batteries which most of us have laying around our house already
Here are the measurements of the Lucid Dream No. 42
I will say that is is somewhat girthy
Length: 7inches
Insertable Length: 6inches
Circumference: 5inches
Diameter: 1 5/8
USB Crazy Review :)
I have to say that these USB drives are awesome and very NEAT!! I contacted USB Crazy about doing a review of their neat creations :) I was happy to hear YES we will send you one right out. I run an at home based business as an Independent Scentsy Consultant and often times I have to print out items from another computer that is hooked up to the printer so this was a LIFE SAVER knowing I could do easy transfers to other computers to print out my needed documents. To the left is a picture of the Crazy USB I received for review.
The picture on the left shows how the USB drive comes apart for easy use. To get your very OWN USB Crazy thumb drive go over to and see what all they have to offer. Very fast shipping and wonderful customer service as well! Go check them out you can also click on the banner at the bottom of my page to be redirected to their site.
14 August 2011
Little Surprises Around EVERY Corner
It has been a good bit since my last update and OH BOY have things changed A LOT.
I am now a working woman once again just waiting til my initial start date! I will be working at Legoland Florida (: I will get paid to play with Legos all day how exciting!! I will be doing Retail over there so selling and playing with Legos will earn me my paycheck. I went to my interview with tons of confidence,happy and smile that helped me out a lot with the lady I was interviewing with. She pushed me through to the 2nd part of the interviewing process :) I went in there with confidence and a smile as well. I was so happy when I got the job!!
Guess what it was kind of one of those WOW someone must have read our minds kind of thing cause a friend and I were talking about how we needed to get together to hangout like the OLD days and welp she got a job at Legoland too!!! We both have Orientation the same day and times <3 How exciting is that?! I wonder how many other people I know will be working there as well...
I go later this week to get set up with a career counselor through the program of where I am trying to get my funding for school so wish me luck on that!!
I need ALL the luck I can get with everything that is going on right now. I won't really go into details on that right other then some days are AMAZING and other days I would just love to run away to never be seen or heard from again. Like always though I am STRONG and I can get through this. I mean come on I am VERY independent and strong willed at that,I have been through a lot in my life and it has helped me become the person I am today.
Little Surprises Around EVERY Corner
Sometimes you can tell that someone really does listen to what you have to say and reads what is going on in your life without bumbarding you with who,what,when,where,why and hows! I was sitting here the other week minding my own playing on the computer and my mom came in with an envelope I asked her what it was and she replied with I don't know. It was from my friend Erica which was a SURPRISE within itself as we hadn't really talked much in the past few month,but when I opened the envelope inside I found a small box. I slide open the box to find a FOUR LEAF CLOVER key chain inside with a little note...The note said that she had remembered a conversation we had,had several months ago when I was going through a lot an I mentioned I NEEDED a Lucky Rabbit's Foot or a Four Leaf Clover...Erica said that when she came across the key chain it was a must get for me which I thought was so sweet of her and made it mean more because she remembered that conversation. Since getting the key chain things have been looking up so is it working or is it all fate?
I must say however with all the BAD going on the GOOD outweighs it times a MILLION. I have the most wonderfullest BFF in the whole wide world and could NOT ask for someone better.
I have linked up with another toy company to do reviews for them as well so be on the lookout for that (: OOBER EXCITED with what my future is going to hold <3
I have linked up with another toy company to do reviews for them as well so be on the lookout for that (: OOBER EXCITED with what my future is going to hold <3
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