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31 January 2011
Over the Unit..
I have had it with my husband's National Guard Unit!! They can't seem to do an damn thing right!! We have been trying to get Anthony over to the Active Duty side of things so that we can have a steady income,Medical Insurance an be able to get on our feet!! Anthony's unit told him it would be FASTER && EASIER if he went into the Inactive Ready Reserves inorder to go Active Duty ARMY. Well he filled out those papers on December 4th an here we are January 31st an the fucking papers still have NOT been processed. I am tired of living the life of uncertainty with these morons yes I understand the like of an ARMY Wife is full of uncertainty BUT usually it isn't filled with uncertainty of if your husband is going to have to move a few thousand miles away WITHOUT you on your own dime. If Anthony has to return to New Mexico I am NOT really sure what we are going to do considering he will have NO place to live out there an his unit does NOT believe in allowing a Soldier to stay in the barracks at the armory which the last time I checked is for the Soldiers who need a place to live especially while dealing with Military Business. I mean I could be wrong I have talked to several people over the past year && 2 months about this shit an they say something is NOT right an someone of course is NOT doing their job.
Anthony has contacted his 1st SGT to be told to use the Chain of Command well HELLO we have been using the Chain of Command for over a year an it has gotten us NO where but stress,unanswered questions an alot of uncertainty. I understand that the unit he belongs to came back from Deployment in Mayish BUT the Rear D never did anything an once the unit got back from Deployment they pushed Anthony aside. Now after them being home for almost 8 months they still have NOT gotten shit done.
Anthony was able to Drill with the Florida Guard this month BUT that was a one time thing an well they still haven't posted his pay for that we have bills that need to be paid.
I just don't fucking get it!!!
This may hit a few sore spots for some so please be aware that somethings said may offend some of you..
I am Pro-Life an I don't get why people resort to abortions when they turn up pregnant just because they don't WANT the baby!!! If you didn't want the baby then you should have kept your legs closed or your dick in your pants!!! People say oh it was an ACCIDENT!!! I am sorry if you are on the pill && used a condom an used them both RIGHT an still ended up pregnant it was meant to be!!!
People say oh well what if you were raped then what? I would continue the pregnancy an if I chose NOT to keep the child it will go to a loving family!! Alot of people say you don't know what you would do til you are in those shoes!! I have been in those shoes granted pregnancy wasn't an outcome in it but I know what I would have done if I did end up pregnant.
Its NOT a choice its a baby!! The baby did NOT ask to be conceived or brought into this world so why would you punish the baby an not give it a chance at life? I mean there are TONS of people who would die to have a baby. For one reason or another there are thousands of people who can't have children of their own so they rely on those who put children up for adoption to have the chance to be called mommy or daddy! It literally KILLS me when people talk about getting an abortion!!!
You wouldn't kill your living child that runs around outside of your body so WHY in the hell would you kill the one running around inside your body?
The morning after pill I do NOT believe in either UNLESS you were raped!! I don't think you should rely on the morning after pill you should take precautions to begin with not use that as a way to NOT let the egg an sperm connect.
I myself may not be able to have children I was told at 16 I had a 40% chance of ever having children because of a medical condition I have! The other day I had a friend IM me in tears because her friend found out she was 5 weeks pregnant an was a Freshman in college so she aborted the baby because it would RUIN her life as well as the boyfriend's. I mean seriously you just RUINED a miracle from heaven.
With abortion comes alot of different things from Depression,to resentment,damaging your body to where you may NEVER be able to have children in the future. In rare cases you can die from an abortion.
Yes I know a few friends who have had abortions,do I agree with it NO do I love them any less for it NO!! I just wish they would have given the little angel a chance though.
I understand that often times you are financially set to have a child so you think abortion is the best way to go! Well here are some facts
You can apply for Government Help to get the things your child needs NO I am NOT saying rely on the Government for everything but it does help you get on your feet an be able to take care of your child. I know alot of people say well the father doesn't want me to have the baby so its for the best..Excuse me its YOUR body an your baby as well so you have a right to say if you want to keep your child. If you abort because the man says so you are just as ignorant as he is.
29 January 2011
Country Bob's All Purpose Sauce
I was delighted that I was able to be a product tester for Country Bob's. My family is ALWAYS up to trying new things an let's just say that Country Bob's has be
en included in the last 2 nights meals.
My first meal I created with Country Bob's was Fried Chicken Wings basted in Country Bob's then baked.
Here is the seasonings I used to spice up the flour for battering the wings
I then fried the wings til they were completely done inside
I then basted them in Country Bob's All Purpose Sauce
20 January 2011
Wall Banger Rabbit Vibe Review
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click here to view the post.
18 January 2011
Got My FIRST Review In
So I come home from doing a few errands an there is a box laying on my front steps an for the life of me I couldn't figure out what it could be because I swore the box was too BIG to be charms or my toy for the tester/review program! Boy was I WRONG yep inside I found the Wall Banger Rabbit Pearl :) Stay tuned for the review to come. I believe that shower time is going to be AMAZING not that it isn't to begin with since I save water && shower with my Soldier :)
15 January 2011
Some GOOD News
I believe we maybe seeing the silver lining in this horrid dark storm myself an my husband have been going through. After my post last night Anthony received an email from Home Depot telling him they would be calling him soon for a prescreening over the phone interview :) They called him today an he did his over the phone interview now we are sitting an waiting to hear if they call him in for an instore interview. *Fingers Crossed*
While I was having a break down last night I was talking to my friend Hayley an she helped me see that with Anthony && I TTC that being off all my meds will in the long run help us with getting a baby belly :)
Another Guardsmen's Wife emailed me last night an told me about a program for enlisted Soldiers with the National Guard where they can go through Truck Driving School obtain a CDL all paid for by the National Guard without having to use the GI Bill.
I am looking into going back to school for phlebotomy the program shouldn't be that long an I was approved back in August for $4 grand+ through FASSFA to go back to school on. While phlebotomy isn't my first choice of career field it will workout an be worth it in the end. I mean come on they ALWAYS need people to stick people with needles an pull blood =)) Eventually I will take classes or be a self taught digital photographer :)
Side Note:I am ready to do my first review for an actual well known company.
Thanks Sami for sharing the information for the opportunity to do the reviews.
14 January 2011
Will it EVER go RIGHT
Ugh here we go back where I was a month ago off my meds cold turkey && feeling like SHIT!! I really wish that somehow someway they ARMY would get their shit together so we are able to go Active Duty && have medical insurance. Everything revolves around money && money we don't have. I am suppose to take about 10 meds before bed,5 in the morning a few through out the day but can't afford $400 in cost for meds. I can't get Medicaid cause I am not pregnant && have no kids seriously I believe it is beyond bullshit the guidelines alot of the states have inorder for you to be able to qualify for Medicaid. They say aside from being pregnant an having kids you can get Medicaid if you are disabled,go figure I was denied even though mental illness is one of the hardest things to live with. I can't get local health through the place here in town they go on a sliding pay scale an well we have no money an we can't prove that! I called them the other day to see if they could help me an they said NO!!! I honestly do NOT even know why I bothered calling them because I have tried several times over the past 2 years to get help through them but they tell me I am not a crisis case so on an so forth. So I guess you have to have a gun to your head or something in this town to get help. I just don't know anymore :( Anthony has been home for a month && 5 days an he has been busting his ass looking for a job an has had a few interviews since being home but nothing ever turned into a job. I have a feeling alot of the reason why no one will touch him is because he is Military an they don't want to go through the whole hiring process an training then he have to deploy.
I am not sure of any other programs around here in our area that I could get help through I mean Anthony isn't a Veteran or any of that so that won't work out for me either. An while yes Wal*Mart has the $4 meds not alot of mine are on there an still average out to be a good deal of money that we again don't have. I believe if we didn't live with my parents we would not be able to make it. An while I try to remain positive it does NOT always work. I try so hard but don't get very far an I have tried not taking my meds but then my dad tells me I need them but yet won't help pay for them. I am just clueless right now an I know I am NOT the only one in need an there is always going to be someone out there who has it alot worse off then us but damn it this past year && a half has been emortal hell an we can't catch a break. Something HAS to give an SOON or I am going to loose my damn mind!!!
With being off all my meds I have an upset stomach an I want to throw up,certain smells make it worse && my jaw pops like crazy an headaches turn to migraines. I really HATE the fact that I am having to go through withdraws an it takes forever to get to where I don't get sick from not having my meds. I just...I really don't know anymore...
13 January 2011
For those of you who are following me or stalking me which ever way you look at it,my FIRST actual review that I HAVE to review && Boy Howdy I shall tell you I am excited about this review!! Lets just say it is going to tons of fun to be had!! I use to sell pleasure products an seen several things I wanted to TRY but just never had the money to order them so NOW I am able to do it pretty much for free with an exception of I have to give you lovely readers a review :D
Whether I like the item or not you all will get a review an you can decide if you would like to try the item yourself.
Erica's Little Bowtique
I ordered my purse from Erica's Little Bowtique

I LOVE my purse I put Erica to a challenge an she did an AMAZING job!!
This was her FIRST ACU Purse she had ever made,before I had mentioned
it to her she had never heard of them let alone knew what they looked like!!
Erica said she loved challenges && making new items. I found an ACU jacket on
Ebay for under $22 I really wanted one made out of my husband's but the ONLY
one I had was the one I slept with since he was away! I shipped the jacket to Erica.
She was very impatient an was really EXCITED about making my purse she had it done
in less then a week! It turned out to be EXACTLY what I wanted :) I am VERY pleased
with my purse,workmen'ship as well a quality. What I liked even more was the communication
as well as the enthusiastic attitude Erica had about making it an venturing out with making a new purse she had never made before.
This is my key chain that I showed Erica
This is how it turned out AMAZING an it
matches my purse.

Check out Erica's Page
Let her know you read my review about her work
10 January 2011
Crazy Past Few Days
I will have to say that with ordering online the past few days have been CRAZY I am trying to track down an FIX orders that they have messed up aside from that I have been getting an auction together for Treats 4 Troops. I have submitted 2 inquires about being an Adult Toy Tester for 2 places an I got information from one place today && they said they would LOVE to have me!!
With the New Year I was hoping for alot of change for the better NOT the worse but we shall see how that goes. The ARMY still can't get their shit together but what is new there?!?! Not a damn thing a year later an still haven't gotten to where we need to be. I no longer have medical insurance so paying for my meds is going to be HARD unless Anthony gets a job which he has been busting his ass to get one. My meds for a month will cost us around $400 I about died when I looked at the actual price of my meds an $200 of it alone if for NINE migraine pills that is CRAZY as hell if you ask me.
I have made several bracelets as premades for Pez's hoping to kick that off really soon :) I am getting new stuff in an can't wait to get it all!! I am so excited but that is enough for now I am going to write up some reviews .
08 January 2011
Hero On My Arm
I first want to say I oober EXCITED to get the custom patches I ordered to go on my ACU purse made by another lady who is a friend of mine but she can't do Name tapes an stuff of that nature at the moment. I went to an spent $46 on 2 name tapes,Ribbon Support patch,Key Chain && Rank patch. I got my package today I was EXCITED then I opened it an the disappointment set in they made the wrong rank I ordered a PFC Private First Class && they send me a PVT Private Rank what in the hell is that going to do me :( Well then while I am folding laundry I look up at my dresser an see the same EXACT envelope that they shipped the order in was a $4.95 FLAT RATE envelope an they charged me $10 damn dollars to have them ship me my order. The Flat Rate envelope is for up to 4 pounds there NO WAY my order even weighed a pound!
I emailed them an I am currently waiting for a response I go on their Facebook Fan Page an see BAD reviews what in the hell was I thinking not checking there? I mean I figured they would be a trustworthy company as they are a HUGE name an have a HUGE fan base an many people know them.
It is really sad when I challenge someone to make a purse out of an ACU jacket an they have NEVER in their life ever heard of an ACU purse an she does an AMAZING job. Yet someone who has been at it for years can't do an order right!! An they OVER charge for shipping. Did Hero On My Arm think I wouldn't notice it I look at things like that!!
I will post an update when I hear back from them on the order mess up!
02 January 2011
New Year TONS of Updates
Well here it is 2011 an WOW an I sure glad to see 2010 GONE!! That year held some good times but mainly horrible times I am glad to see go! December 9th,2010 my husband FINALLY was able to come home from New Mexico he is in the Inactive Ready Reserves an is studying to retake the ASVAB to score higher incase he has to reclass an so he can go Active :) Feels so good to be falling asleep in his arms at night one of the best feelings in the world!!
Now that Tony is home we are back to Trying to Conceive so wish us luck we want a baby more then anything in the world. So we NEED any extra baby dust we can get :)
Thanksgiving came an went as well as Christmas my sister never brought my niece over to have Aunt Amber time. An there was an excuse of why they were LATE to Christmas dinner an why she didn't get my parents anything for Christmas BUT could brag about her husband's $15/hr job an how she went out to eat an had no worries of how much money was in the bank or going over in their account. Seriously if all you are going to do is come over an brag or bitch just keep your fucking ass at home.
An old friend of mine who didn't agree with alot of my Facebook posts emailed me yesterday an wanted to start the New Year out with a clean slate an she apologized for being immature about the situation an blowing it out of proportion. Honestly I have missed our conversations we went 8 months without talking all because I got SICK of hearing civilian girlfriends,fiances && wives complain when their husbands went away for a week to work when mine had been gone for months an yes he was stateside but I couldn't go see him. So we chatted all day yesterday caught up on the past 8 months.
With the New Year I doing a Project 365 so that come 2012 I can look back on the year 2011 an see how much life has changed,remember the best memories of my life && hopefully somewhere in there I will capture baby belly pictures.
I am starting my own jewelry making home business an I am hoping it kicks off really well an I can make money even if its just what I spent on supplies I have spent around $300 on all kinds of bracelets an charms of course I did it when Tony was working so we weren't out of money. Now I am impatiently waiting for ALL my charms,beads an bracelets!
Treats 4 Troops has been really SLOW with donations but the Christmas Care Packages were received as well as the Christmas cards. I have received one email an a letter from one of the guys :) It makes your bad day turn around when you receive a letter or an email you weren't expecting to get either. So with the New Year I am hoping Treats 4 Troops takes off again :)
I have also started Project Box O' Sunshine but sadly it hasn't taken off the way I hoped it would especially since it was to help send sunshine to those who were battling cancer or other serious illnesses an Military Families who are having a hard time with deployment or loss. I did though send out a care package to a young boy named Justin who is 5 years old an had a brain tumor but one December 7th he went through brain surgery an the tumor was successfully removed!!! He loves Spongebob so I painted the whole inside of the box BRIGHT yellow an it was really cute I used my cricut an spelled out Who Lives N A Pineapple Under The Sea Spongebob Square Pants :) I found tons of Spongebob bath tub stuff in the Christmas aisle so it was a MUST buy once Samantha gets home I will know if Justin got his box or not an what his reaction was.
That is where I stand with life at this very moment an with the New Year I am going to TRY an blog more :)
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