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I have seen the Super Hung Heroes around the web and even seen a review on the Amazing Web Shooting Cock these sparked my interest....
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29 March 2012
Pleasure Heaven-Review
I got the pleasure of doing a review for Pleasure Heaven I contacted them about a review program and to my surprise I was accepted to do reviews for them :) I was told to pick out some items that I was interested in and they would get them off to me in the mail!! I chose the Deluxe Clitty Spinner Dolphin and the Daffy The Deep Stroker Blue I was so EXCITED when I got this package. I tore into and of course sent a picture of what I got in the mail to my wonderful boyfriend who wasn't home at the time!!!
I pulled both toys out of the box and popped batteries into them!! The Deluxe Clitty Spinner Dolphin was AMAZING everything a girl could ask for with THREE rows of spinning metal pleasure beads in the shaft right down to the clitoral stimulator that moves!!! Both the shaft and clitoral stimulator ROTATE!! Here is a short video of the motions that the Deluxe Clitty Spinner Dolphin does!!! The head on the shaft has a little spin to it as well.
The vibrations on the toy however could be a little stronger! Deluxe Clitty Spinner Dolphin is not your normal semi hard rubber /jelly vibrator this one is kind of a soft flexible jelly.
Deluxe Clitty Spinner Dolphin is also waterproof who would have thunk a dolphin vibe being waterproof? lol I didn't take it to the shower,beach or pool just washed it off in the sink to get it cleaned after using toy cleaner and fuzz from my towel was on it UGH that sucked. This toy requires 3AA batteries to power itself.
This toy isn't all that girthy which I was completely fine with has a good length of insertion as well. I found on the Pipedream website the length and other measurements of the
Deluxe Clitty Spinner Dolphin as they weren't listed on Pleasure Heaven so I will list them below.
21 March 2012
Hump Day Hoppin' *BLOG HOP*
Just Some Random Rants
This blog post will probably be ALL Over the place as it will be nothing but Rants
Just a few things that piss me off,aggravate me,frustrate me or makes no sense to me.
I just don't get it how is that so MANY people are having babies and I mean this isn't their first or second it is more like their 4th or 10th seriously?!?! Not that I am trying to get pregnant right now just makes me jealous in away knowing that some people can get pregnant just by looking at a man so to speak. I think what gets me the most are the ones who are younger then me or the same age as me being the ones having their 4th and 5th kid. I mean when I see that these people are pregnant they WANT you to say congrats I wish you a smooth pregnancy when that is NOT what I want to say to them. I really want to SCREAM WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!!! Your kids you already have suffer from medical problems because they are born so close together you don't give your body time to heal where its healthy enough to produce a healthy baby. What gets me even more is the ones who have 4-6 or more kids an they all don't have the same dad!!! I mean yeah I understand that people change and move one but kids by 3 or more different mean is well INSANE If you ask me. I just don't get it one bit...Another thing I just don't get are people who are GROWN but hide their pregnancies from friends and family cause I am guessing they are ashamed or don't want to hear the comments they will make but don't hide it so much that you don't get prenatal health til your last month of pregnancy you are harming an innocent child who didn't ask to be brought into this world plus harming yourself!!! I don't want to leave out those "parents" who don't pay attention to their kids,pawn them off on others so you can go party like you are still free,who leave their kids in shitty and pissy diapers for HOURS without changing them. This IRKS the hell out of me too people who don't watch their kids and let them do what they want. Perfect example I was reading a news story the other day where a 18month old was attacked and KILLED by a neighbors dog...Before you say what does this have to do with anything...The mom was getting groceries out of the car NOT watching the baby hello playpen or room behind a baby gate stupid! Any who her child got out of her site walked across the street to the neighbors got to close to the dog and it attacked!! While yes I feel so sorry for the baby that it had to die that way but I also feel sorry for the dog because they took the dog from it's owners and put him down. If you ask me the dog shouldn't have had to be put down...Why you might ask?!?! You won't agree with that statement I am sure however its NOT the dog's fault or the owner of the dogs fault,the dog was just doing what he was trained to do to PROTECT HIS YARD AND FAMILY while yes I understand it was an 18month old the dog didn't know any better intruder was in his yard so he attacked. It is the irresponsible mother's fault because she was NOT watching the child if the dog didn't kill the baby it could have been hit by a car. A tragedy yes but preventable too!!! Parents who don't use car seats or seat belts for their kids who NEED to be in them. I don't like seeing kids up moving around the car freely while its in motion UGH some people should NOT have kids!!!!!
People who say they are going to do something but do the COMPLETE opposite! If you say you are going to do something then please do it!!! Do NOT say you will and never follow through that is a good way to loose friends or hell even family!! That is one thing that pisses me off is people who can't follow through with what they say empty promises anyone?!? No thanks me either..
I can't stand it when I follow someone on blogger,Facebook or Twitter an I comment that I have followed them but they can't have the common courtesy to do the same for me? I mean I comment on every blog I follow with my bloggy URL so they can find me easily yes I know this is just the internet and what I may post might not interest you but just like you I want to build my blog readers so I can have more opportunities with my blog. I am trying to branch out and do more then just toy reviews which I don't mind doing in fact I LOVE doing them. I need more followers so that I can do giveaways for YOU the readers not for me who doesn't like something that is TOTALLY FREE every now and then? I know I do and I know each and everyone of you do too.
People who text while driving and don't pay attention to the road!! I mean I have dealt with the issue while driving in my everyday little Toyota as well as dealing with moronic 4wheelers (cars & trucks) while I am in the my 18wheeler they are too damn busy texting or doing who knows what an they are all over the road!!! Worst feeling in the world is driving in a 80,000 pound vehicle and someone starts drifting into your lane or they cut you off!! We can't just stop on a dime dumbasses!!! People who tailgate and ride my ass when I am in my 4wheeler and 18wheeler I mean if you are going to ride my ass can you pretty please take me to dinner first and pull my hair while you ride my ass?!?!
An my final rant for the night is people who talk like they are black when they are white or well people in general who act like they are a different race! If you were born white please act white,if you were born black please act black if you were born Hispanic please act Hispanic!! I mean even if you are acting your race please learn proper English because even if it is a text or online you want to sound somewhat educated and talking like this I is going to dis girl house IRKS the living hell out of me! Please learn to type too cause well reading things that look like this:
Bbi its ok I promise I realli du if I can du it u can love I wus wit debo no gud cheating ass fa 9 yrs n we hav 3 kids ta gether it hurt like hell it hurt even more ta sty n him treat me like shyt I had ta realize I wus to gud fa dat n I ben takin care of mi kids fa 7 yrs bi miself even wen we wus tagetha he never spent ne moni on mi kids I had ta finalli put him on child support didnt think it would turn out that he would actualli go to wrk n pay I cant stand his sorri no gud ass he dnt even call da kids bday christmas nun but at this point I dnt care ne more but I am very thankful for the childsupprt he pays I finalli get sum help bbi wat um pretty much sayin is its ok to hurt bbi its normal it may not feel that way n its been 2 yrs n it took that long ta find sum1 who actually cares n he wrks n takes care of mi kids not debo all da moni I get fa childsupport is nothing but pay bac fa all da moni ive spent ova da yrs on mi kids wit no help I jus want u ta knw if u need ta talk or ne thing im hea cus thats the worst ting ta go through but also the best thing cus now u can move on n du u
Can kill a person's brain trying to figure out what in the hell they are talking about!! An people who type like this: I kNoW gIrL hE tOlD mE tHe SaMThinG! He Is SUch A LiAr I caN't BeliEve hE wOUlD dO SucH a ThiNg!! WOWZA typing that hurt my head "/ I just don't get people they need to learn proper English and how to type things out!!!
19 March 2012
Bloggy Hop :)
If you post your link below please comment on my blog and follow the others that are listed above! When following other blogs do the same leave a comment letting them know you are following them to gain more followers :) Happy Hopping and Blogging!!!
16 March 2012
Here Cums Peter Cotton Tail
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15 March 2012
An Another Curve Ball Comes My Way
I am home and off the road for personal reasons for quite sometime unsure of the time frame at this point but I am needed at home so what better place for me to be then at home?!?!
Last post I was talking about how I was in the process of becoming a qualified driver! Well guess who became a qualified Werner Driver?!? This girl right here oh yeah!! I passed my road test and backing test that I had to do at the terminal. Nervous yes I sure was cause my backing SUCKS but 2 months with very little backing while I was in training I won't be perfect for a good while. Eventually, I will get the hang of it back 73 feet of truck and trailer gets challenging to say the least especially if the only back you are use to doing is backing out of your drive way or the parking spot at Wal*Mart haha.
I have been a BIG ball of emotions littlest stupidest things have made me cry! I had fair fish from the Strawberry Festival that died and my Black Moore fish I got from Wal*Mart die and yep I cried! Ugh not sure what is going on but things have been insane and far from NORMAL.
I am in with another toy company doing reviews I am patiently/impatiently awaiting for my package to arrive with 2 new high end vibes to show up on my door step :) I will now be doing reviews with Pleasure Heaven! go check them out tons of awesome toys for him and her,lubes,oils and so much more!!!
Last night was a good night I got to spend time with my love who was off the road for a whole 24 hours while his rig was in the shop! I love being with him and spending quality time together. Not seeing eachother all the time makes the time we do spend together mean so much more. Today's adventures took us on a lunch date to Cici's Pizza where we ate til our hearts content or should I say tummies :) Ah I love the life I am living even when there are some speed-bumps in the middle of the road I am traveling down!!
10 March 2012
Eco-Friendly Toys-Glass,Ceramic and Metal
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06 March 2012
A Screeching Halt!!!
WOW it has been almost 2 months since I last blogged! Things here are a little on the CRAZY and INSANE side of life but what else is new in my life right? My training program is over and I am in the process of becoming a qualified driver!! How awesome is that?!? Pretty awesome right I had MANY doubts through the whole training process and had MANY of battles with myself on "Do I really belong out here on the road? or Do I really belong at home?" I came off the road Saturday morning and will be off the road for a good while but can't disclose that information however I am NEEDED here at home. Really sucks in away cause I don't want to take time off from the road as I am worried I will forget half of what I learned but its a skill and once I have it the skill is MINE no one can take it I just have to hold on to it and not let it slip through my hands.
I am looking forward to going back to the road even though I have been battling back and forth on wanting to continuing with this adventure but I made a promise to the one I love and who has been behind me 100% that I would TRY and do this all on my own before giving up and walking away. Once I return from my leave of absence I will get my own truck and head back out to putting her in the wind. My last few weeks of training were more challenging then the beginning in the last 2 weeks of training I dealt with driving in blinding rain where you couldn't see 5 feet in front of the tractor while driving 35mph down the interstate with my flashers on!! Very scary for the first time ever driving in the rain like that! I made it through it successfully just to have a blow out about 100 miles or so down the road...Joy NOT really but luckily it didn't take breakdown forever to come change the tire and for us to get back on the road. The following few days I took on high winds gusts up to 30mph and rain nerve wrecking to say the least but I made it through that okay as well.
I look forward to going back to the road but I will have to see what the next month or so brings which will determine if and when I will return to the road,
For now I am trying to get back into the swing of a NORMAL life whatever that may be,I have to get to the point where I can sleep at night and not through the day since I am not on the truck. It is going to be challenging since I just got use to sleeping during the day and driving through the night. However,with the home time it means I can clean and organize my room and what not which is well overdue for a good cleaning. I can also get back to doing reviews for the 2 toy companies I have been reviewing for over the past year!! Can't believe it has been that long man how time flies by!!
My first night off the road after being up over 24 hours being an emotional wreck I got to go to the Strawberry Festival with the one I love!! We enjoyed a night of rides and greasy yummy fair foods (: followed by snuggle time when we got home. I look forward to more date nights since I am home now just have to make it on the days when he isn't on the road. Sometimes being a trucker and a trucker's girlfriend gets kinda hard and lonely when you are home and he is on the road or he is home and I am on the road. Luckily there were a few times when I was in training that our trucks crossed paths and we were able to see eachother even if it was only 15 minutes here and an hour there but it was better then nothing at all. Valentine's Day came and went while I was on the road but I got lucky enough to have a truck stop date with my love he ended up in the same town and state as me and my trainer!! So we stopped and had dinner together (: I got a box of chocolates and a monkey <3 I am easy to please and it is the littlest things in life that make me so happy!!
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