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30 June 2012
Impatiently Waiting
I am impatiently waiting for my doctors office's insurance company to contact me about going to an Orthopedic Doctor for my knee. I mean its NOT my fault they didn't have a rug in front of their door so I slipped and fell on wet tile my first step in the door. Originally the office was trying to put everything on my insurance which I believe is WRONG on so MANY levels,its also NOT my insurance's fault that they failed to keep the floors dry. I mean don't get me wrong I understand pouring rain from a Tropical Storm will cause wet floors but you SHOULD make sure the floors are DRY!
What would have happened if it was an older person like in their 70s or something who slipped and fell instead of me? I mean that could have been a worse outcome then mine since older people are frail and brittle!! While I wouldn't wish the pain or accident on anyone I am glad it did happen to me instead of someone who's bones would have broke! I called my doctors office several times throughout the week,I was told I would have ALL results back by the end of Monday I got nothing but told my hip X-Ray was the only one back an no damage was done to my hip! Congrats I could have told you that cause its my KNEE that is killing me. I called Tuesday to find out what was going on an the woman said she couldn't give me the results the doctor need to you can read about all that here Roll With The Punches!
I heard nothing else Wednesday from the doctors when I called to find out what was going on they said I needed to come in their office on Thursday at 8:45am in order to get referred out to the Orthopedic Doctor. I said well I won't be able to make it at that hour as I won't have away there since I can't drive myself right now. I was then told well I will talk with the one handling all this to see what can be done. Again they tried putting off on my insurance which I had to tell them AGAIN that I may NOT have insurance come July 2nd. I was told we will call you back before the end of the day on Wednesday NEVER got a call back! Thursday came and I called again cause I can't sleep,drive,walk,clean,do my laundry,go to the bathroom or shower without pain!! To be honest out of that list I listed I have done the bathroom and shower thing as that is a MUST for me everyday but its a pain and hurts to get up and move around. Something isn't right inside my leg even though they say all that is in there is FLUID I think something more is wrong. I know how it feels when you knee cap slides out of place as I messed my left knee up in 6th grade. I have times where it feels like the bones that bend for you to walk are collapsing and I almost fall again!
I was told on Thursday that I should be hearing from the doctors office's insurance company either Thursday or Friday well here it is Saturday and they still have NOT called me! I need to know what is going on with all this so I can make sure I am NOT damaging my leg more then it already has been. I NEED to know the outcome so I can know IF I will EVER be able to go back driving 18-wheelers cause well I miss the road!! I am over the pain pills and muscle relaxers I have to take in order to get some kind of sleep. Ice is no longer working I mean when I put ice on my knee I don't really feel the coldness ''/
Free Blogger Opportunity - Dyson DC24 Cleaner Home Giveaway Event Worldwide August 3-24
The Dyson DC24 Cleaner Home Giveaway Event is a free blogger event. You will receive one link at no cost as a thank you for participating in this event Prize: Dyson DC24 All Floors Vacuum (retail value $399) Giveaway Open to: Worldwide (note: if a winner is selected outside of the US, they will be responsible for shipping costs and fees added by their country). The event dates: August 3 to 24
Blogger Notes: You do not have to live in the US to signup for this event. It is required that you have at least 50% readership that is US based though.
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* Announcement post OR you may elect to pay a $5 fee to not post the announcement * Agree to post the giveaway html on the date the event begins.
To find out more about this opportunity sign up is here!
29 June 2012
Summer Flashback Blog Hop!!
27 June 2012
Roll With The Punches
Here we go again I am in the same spot as I was in this time last year! Confused,single yet married without a job and worrying about how I am going to get by in life!! Well I have come to the conclusion that I will be A OKAY without the one I truly deep down love with all of me. Won't go into details on what happen just that we aren't together anymore :( It kills me knowing this but again I WILL get through this and I will come out stronger.
I have been off the road almost 4 months it doesn't really seem like it has been that long EEKK Where in the hell has the time gone?!? I have been going back and forth with the decision to go back to the road or not to go back to the road. I came to the conclusion that I am going to go back to the road BUT I ended up with Kidney Stones which mind you hurt like hell,came out of NOWHERE and I swore I was going to die. I have NEVER in my whole life felt that kind of pain let alone ever had Kidney Stones. I was going to reapply for my job on this past Monday if the doctors cleared me to go back! I went to my first appointment it was raining like hell since we had a Tropical Storm out in the Gulf. First step in the doctor's office door I slipped and fell! My leg went behind me an everything from my right knee all the way up my back POPPED and it was LOUD as hell. The girl at the desk came out to check on me but she claims she NEVER saw what happen but yet she was looking me straight in the face when I came through the door. She didn't want to help me up she had 2 of the girls from the back come out but I got up MYSELF since that woman didn't want to help. It went from excruciating pain to numbness which when it happened I didn't worry about what could have been torn or broken my initial thought was Oh great now I WON'T be going back to the road thanks to this. Went to the back the Nurse Practitioner looked me over and ordered X-Rays for my L-Spine,Hip and Knee all on the right side. Went and got those done the doctors office is trying to push this all off onto my insurance company when its NOT their fault or place I believe the doctors office should pay for it all.
Well Monday after I went to my 2nd appointment with the Urologist and I was cleared of Kidney Stones I came home and my Primary Care Doctor had called advising me to go to the ER to be seen by an Orthopedic Doctor. First thought was OMG something is broken or really messed up :( After a runaround with the office staff between me and my mom trying to get information they said they had ONLY had my hip results back. With that said I called the doctors Tuesday to see if they got all the results back because I don't have the money to go to the ER and the woman who answered said yes they were back but she couldn't give me the results she would have the doctor call me. I left yesterday since my bestie was in town and what not the doctors NEVER called to let me know what was going on. Scared to death of what was going on I still didn't go to the ER with money being an issue so I called this morning to be told NOTHING is broke THANK GOD but I have all kinds of fluid around my knee. In turn that means I have to still go to be seen by an Orthopedic Doctor but I MAY not have my insurance come July 2nd when I have to go renew it. I asked them so who is covering all this?? Cause I sure the hell can't and it is NOT my fault I fell. Yes the floor was wet and yes there was a wet floor sign but non the less they didn't mop it up and the rug was pushed all the way up to the counter and not by the door where it should have been. So now going back to the road or any kind of work is put on hold right now :(
I have a few new items coming from Body Jungle for review! I can't wait to see what they sent out this time :) From what David said I should be getting two items. They don't tend to tell me what I am getting just that it's stuff from my wish list! I hope I didn't include any couple's stuff on the new list since well I am single now. Ooops guess I need to go look at my wishlist then huh?!?! Should have the items in a week or so! Be sure to checkout Body Jungle for some of the newest sex items! They are a new company as well based out of Florida so help support them even if you only order something small :)
Happy Blogging and Happy Hump Day
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If you are a NEW Follower please let me know you are following and which way you are so I can be sure to follow you back. Please leave a link to your blog for me
18 June 2012
Jo 2 To Tango Pack
I got the opportunity to review the Jo 2 To Tango Pack from Body Jungle a new adult online shop based out of St. Petersburg,FL :) How neat is that considering I live in the Sunshine State?? I was told to choose 5 items under $25 and 5 items under $50 I got the Jo 2 To Tango Pack off my under $50 list.
I received wonderful customer service working with David and fast delivery as well. My package came very discreetly via FedEx. The product packaging isn't very discreet so I would recommend if you don't want others knowing what it is to put it in a place where others won't be going.

I was able to test this out with my other half and we loved the Jo 2 To Tango Pack!! This pack is a small couples kit so to speak it comes with TWO lubes one for her pleasure and one for his pleasure! The two mixed together is suppose to make things AMAZING! While I didn't really feel much of the stimulate her pleasure I felt a little cooling sensation with the Woman's bottle of the Jo 2 To Tango Pack. With the Men's bottle of Jo 2 To Tango Pack it is suppose to excite and prolong while my boyfriend liked the product as did I,I don't believe it really prolonged him much at all. Our sex session lasted about the same amount of time as they normally do! These are great lubes but I don't think they are all hyped up to what they should be as we didn't feel much of the effect. Some lubes are sticky or have a faint smell this system however does NOT have any of those faults. This particular lube is a water and silicone based lubricant which means you can bring it to the shower as it won't wash away as fast as most lubes would!! Jo 2 To Tango Pack is a clear lube so it won't stain your bed sheets or lingerie.

I would recommend this to anyone looking for a GREAT lube you get TWO 2oz bottles of this lube each bottle is 2oz so overall you get 4oz of lube!!
Ingredients for the Woman's Lube are:(INCI) Cyclopentasiloxane,Cyclotetrasiloxane,Dimethiconol,Dimethicone,Menthol
Ingredients for the Man's Lube are: (INCI) Methyl Paraben,Propyl,Sodium Carboxymethyl Cellulose,Propylen Glycol,Benzocaine,Mentha Piperita,Peg 8,Water

I received wonderful customer service working with David and fast delivery as well. My package came very discreetly via FedEx. The product packaging isn't very discreet so I would recommend if you don't want others knowing what it is to put it in a place where others won't be going.
I was able to test this out with my other half and we loved the Jo 2 To Tango Pack!! This pack is a small couples kit so to speak it comes with TWO lubes one for her pleasure and one for his pleasure! The two mixed together is suppose to make things AMAZING! While I didn't really feel much of the stimulate her pleasure I felt a little cooling sensation with the Woman's bottle of the Jo 2 To Tango Pack. With the Men's bottle of Jo 2 To Tango Pack it is suppose to excite and prolong while my boyfriend liked the product as did I,I don't believe it really prolonged him much at all. Our sex session lasted about the same amount of time as they normally do! These are great lubes but I don't think they are all hyped up to what they should be as we didn't feel much of the effect. Some lubes are sticky or have a faint smell this system however does NOT have any of those faults. This particular lube is a water and silicone based lubricant which means you can bring it to the shower as it won't wash away as fast as most lubes would!! Jo 2 To Tango Pack is a clear lube so it won't stain your bed sheets or lingerie.
I would recommend this to anyone looking for a GREAT lube you get TWO 2oz bottles of this lube each bottle is 2oz so overall you get 4oz of lube!!
Ingredients for the Woman's Lube are:(INCI) Cyclopentasiloxane,Cyclotetrasiloxane,Dimethiconol,Dimethicone,Menthol
Ingredients for the Man's Lube are: (INCI) Methyl Paraben,Propyl,Sodium Carboxymethyl Cellulose,Propylen Glycol,Benzocaine,Mentha Piperita,Peg 8,Water
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16 June 2012
Bigs Sunflower Seed Review
I am a MAJOR Seeder and when my boyfriend found Bigs Sunflower Seeds at the Pilot a few months back when we were heading to the beach I was EXCITED to try some new seeds and NEW flavors! He brought to the car TWO 5.35oz bags of seeds in the Dill Pickle flavor. Skeptical at first since I have NEVER heard of Bigs and they were Dill Pickle flavor,I popped open the RESEALABLE bag and popped a handful of seeds in my cheeks. A little different from my "normal" seeds they were AMAZING! Most Sunflower Seed Companies use WAY TOO MUCH salt so I can't eat them nonstop without having a drink beside me. When my boyfriend picked up the bag of Bigs Sunflower Seeds we were about an hour to an hour an a half out from our beach destination! An guess who has ALMOST the WHOLE bag gone?! Yup you guessed it ME!! I am not one of those hold on seed in your hand crack it with your front teeth kinda girl I pop a whole handful in hold them in one cheek and switch them over crack,eat and spit.
I contacted Bigs about doing a review for them since the ONLY place we have seemed to be able to find these yummy things are at Truckstops! My boyfriend stopped in at another truckstop on his way to Cali an said something about different flavors he found! So I knew I just HAD to go to the website to checkout what all they had! An to my surprise they have some flavors I have NEVER heard of like Sizzlin' Bacon EWW GROSS is what came to mind when I heard that one!! However,the boyfriend kinda likes those he got some while he was out on the road. He brought them home for me to try after I had already contacted Bigs I went to pick him up from the terminal after he came off the road and he MADE me spit my Plain Jane seeds out so he could let me try the Sizzlin' Bacon!! Its a taste that I wouldn't expect to see in Sunflower Seeds but its NOT totally GROSS like I thought either!!
When I contacted Bigs about doing a review they asked my flavor preferences I wanted to try the BBQ flavor as I am a sucker for BBQ flavored sunflower seeds! These BBQ flavored seeds weren't just ANY BBQ sunflower seed they were Jim Beam BBQ while these were YUMMY I could only eat a few at a time compared to my regular handful in the mouth at a time these were more like pinches! I noticed on the first initial taste they were kind of spicy. When Josh got home he wanted to try my seeds which was no big deal since I turned him into a seeder...Bad idea there now I have to share! I warned him they were a little spicy but he grabbed a good bit pooped them in his mouth and said oh this isn't too bad til about the second handful he popped in there he started feeling the heat! I mean its NOT an unbearable heat or anything it just builds up!!!
My second flavor of seeds Bigs sent were the Dill Pickle that got me hooked on Bigs Sunflower Seeds! I must say that so far the Dill Pickle are my FAVE!! This should tell you how BIG of a seeder I am I am sitting here cracking,eating and spitting while I write this blog review! I have almost a whole 6.38oz Pringles can filled to the top with shells!! If you like Sunflower Seeds as much as I do I would suggest you go try them out you can find a store near you using this Store Locator! If you don't have a store near you simply go to to place an order and have them delivered right to your front door :)
Where on the net to find Bigs Sunflower Seeds
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I contacted Bigs about doing a review for them since the ONLY place we have seemed to be able to find these yummy things are at Truckstops! My boyfriend stopped in at another truckstop on his way to Cali an said something about different flavors he found! So I knew I just HAD to go to the website to checkout what all they had! An to my surprise they have some flavors I have NEVER heard of like Sizzlin' Bacon EWW GROSS is what came to mind when I heard that one!! However,the boyfriend kinda likes those he got some while he was out on the road. He brought them home for me to try after I had already contacted Bigs I went to pick him up from the terminal after he came off the road and he MADE me spit my Plain Jane seeds out so he could let me try the Sizzlin' Bacon!! Its a taste that I wouldn't expect to see in Sunflower Seeds but its NOT totally GROSS like I thought either!!
When I contacted Bigs about doing a review they asked my flavor preferences I wanted to try the BBQ flavor as I am a sucker for BBQ flavored sunflower seeds! These BBQ flavored seeds weren't just ANY BBQ sunflower seed they were Jim Beam BBQ while these were YUMMY I could only eat a few at a time compared to my regular handful in the mouth at a time these were more like pinches! I noticed on the first initial taste they were kind of spicy. When Josh got home he wanted to try my seeds which was no big deal since I turned him into a seeder...Bad idea there now I have to share! I warned him they were a little spicy but he grabbed a good bit pooped them in his mouth and said oh this isn't too bad til about the second handful he popped in there he started feeling the heat! I mean its NOT an unbearable heat or anything it just builds up!!!
My second flavor of seeds Bigs sent were the Dill Pickle that got me hooked on Bigs Sunflower Seeds! I must say that so far the Dill Pickle are my FAVE!! This should tell you how BIG of a seeder I am I am sitting here cracking,eating and spitting while I write this blog review! I have almost a whole 6.38oz Pringles can filled to the top with shells!! If you like Sunflower Seeds as much as I do I would suggest you go try them out you can find a store near you using this Store Locator! If you don't have a store near you simply go to to place an order and have them delivered right to your front door :)
Where on the net to find Bigs Sunflower Seeds
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Travalo Review
As you can see Travalo is fairly tiny so you can toss it in your purse whether you carry a luggage size purse with everything including the kitchen sink inside or a tiny clutch purse. If you are a male you can simply drop your Travalo right into your pocket with everything else. Since Travalo is ONLY 8.6cm long and weighs only 20 grams and holds WAY less then 3oz in fact it holds 5.0ml this is safe to take with you when you travel! In fact according to the website this is aircraft approved :) Travalo has a unique air system that allows adjustment with air pressure changes!!!
Travalo's website says that this little jewel holds 65 sprays my boyfriend actually filled up the Travalo Excel In Silver with Nautica Pure and sprayed it 67 times before it became empty!! The Atomizer has a little see through window so you can tell how much perfume,cologne or body spray you have left so you ALWAYS know when you are in NEED of a refill! Again refills are SIMPLE and EASY they require nothing but the Atomizer and the bottle you are going to be using to fill up your Travalo! This little thing does NOT need a funnel or anything to fill it up! So GUESS WHAT!?!?!? That means NO mess!
To order your very own Travalo Refillable Perfume Atomizer go to
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11 June 2012
Sex Sling Review
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01 June 2012
New Companies=New Reviews to Come
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