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I have seen the Super Hung Heroes around the web and even seen a review on the Amazing Web Shooting Cock these sparked my interest....
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26 August 2012
About Damn Time
For those of you who have been following know that things here have been well INSANE to say the least. After 2 months I FINALLY was able to get seen by the Orthopedic after MAJOR runarounds with the doctors office and their insurance company. My knee is still getting swollen if I use it too much which also leads to pain, I have been dealing with my kneecap sliding out of place which in turn makes me loose balance an almost fall again. I don't need this at all, I have a knot by the joints where my knee bends the Orthopedic said it is more the likely scar tissue. Scar Tissue?! Which means something has probably torn in order to create scar tissue, I have to go to physical therapy for 4 weeks 3 times a week as well as get an MRI done. I was given my prescriptions for Physical Therapy and my MRI since this is a liability claim I have to jump through MORE hoops then I already have to get to where I am. I called the insurance company an of course get the caseworker's wonderful voice mail, I hung up an called back why would I leave a message for a woman who I am still almost FIVE weeks later waiting for her to return a phone call to me? Good thing I got the information I needed from her supervisor a few weeks ago, I called back an asked for her supervisor he told me he couldn't fully pull up my case that I had to talk to the woman over it that he would transfer me to her. I told him the same thing I was STILL waiting for her to return a call from 5 weeks ago, he told me he would walk across over to her office to make sure she answered the call. I get on the phone with her and was told oh just find a Physical Therapy place down where you are and a place of your choice for your MRI since I am in another state I can't help you with that. So I call the Radiology place I was told to go to, I was told by my Orthopedic I could NOT go anywhere else but there!!! I call to set up an appointment they tell me they have to call my primary doctor's office because they need the insurance companies information that the claim number wasn't enough. So here I sit waiting for Monday so I can call the Radiology place an see what they found out, I NEED to get this MRI done and soon!!! I called the Physical Therapy place and they had to call the insurance company, really you aren't going to get anywhere with them either I was told Friday we will call you back by 2:30pm today welp that has come and gone with no phone call. I too will have to call them on Monday, which no one may or may not be in the offices of both places since we have a Tropical Storm threatening the wonderful Sunshine State.
I am over the pain of trying to do NORMAL everyday activities like getting a shower,doing laundry,going to the store just walking in general. I also HATE that my knee is screwed up when it comes to the sexual side of things I am NOT one to just lay on my back I like different positions! With all this going on it is putting me off the road even longer which also means I won't be going back to the road :( that part kills me. By the time Physical Therapy and whatever else may come of this since I don't know the extent of the damage til I get my MRI done I don't know what lies ahead of me. If I am able to drive rigs again I will HAPPY but also, that means having to come up with $800-$1,000 for a refresher course since I have been off the road almost 6 months.
I really wish I would have just went back to the road after my mom's procedures like she told me to but STUPID me let my now ex, talk me into NOT going back because I was needed at home. I still kick myself in the ass over that whole situation but there is NOTHING that I can do about that now other then go on lessons learned!
I am looking for work again around here locally where I live in hopes to be able to just work and go back to school. I am just worried that I will get a job an loose it due to the pain in my knee and also the "UNKNOWN" problem with my knee. I know they can't hold that against me if they know about the injury upon hire and I won't hide that I have a bad knee, my main concern I want to say is that I am worried my knee will give out an then it will also turn into a Workmen's Comp thing an that isn't fair to the company. That is the main reason I didn't just run back to the road when I got to the point of being able to walk and move somewhat normally.
I am going to try and update this blog more often I know I have been slacking!!! I do have some reviews that I need to get up and working on from the wonderful people over at Erotic Toy Town I have the Colt Shower Shot Dong to review from there! I have several items from a bullet to flavored lubes right up to a Lelo G-Spot Dildo from Our Naughty Secrets! I am also doing onsite reviews over at Eden Fantasys so be sure to check me out over there as well!
Oh and don't let me forget that I also caved and made an account over on Tumblr you can checkout my posts over there HERE feel free to follow me :)
Oh and don't let me forget that I also caved and made an account over on Tumblr you can checkout my posts over there HERE feel free to follow me :)
21 August 2012
ღShower Me With Giftsღ
No....Really I want to be showered with things from my Wishlist over on Eden Fantasys!! Yes, you read that right how awesome is it that others can shower you with gifts or surprise you with something you have been longing for on your Public Wishlists?! The luxury of this is that you will get gifts or surprises from someone you know or maybe someone you don't know, BEST PART is they will NOT know your address all that will show is your screen name an the state you reside in that is it. There are MANY ways to find out what someone you are following is longing for just by browsing their Contributor Profile or even their blogs if they choose to share it there as well. I personally haven't gotten anything from someone I didn't know, I think it would be neat to see what they would choose from my list.
If no one ever gifts things to me that is okay too since I get all kinds of special treats thanks to all the wonderful programs offered by Eden I will list some of the programs offered that you too could join to either have others shower you with gifts or so you can shower yourself. I shower myself with goodies it seems ALMOST weekly!! I often think I have an addiction to this place which isn't bad at all I ღ Eden and how they love spoiling us with so many great ways to earn free or discounted products. That is a plus for me since I can on a limited income right now, my sexual pleasures are a MUST but I can't justify splurging on a $80 toy or $30-$50 on a nice piece of lingerie that I think I MUST have. I partake in a few programs which I love that I have the opportunity to have access to.
Points Program-Click on the purple highlighted area that says "Points Program" and signup to join Eden's Community where you too can start earning your very own points. The points system is pretty easy to figure out how it works and what you can do to earn points on a daily basis. You can see the breakdown of tasks here once you join! I don't normally accomplish all those tasks in one day but no matter how often you get on or the amount of points you earn in a day they add up QUICK. Ask me how I know?! Wait, don't ask me cause I am HAPPY to tell you, I just cashed out an order at the beginning of the month for $255 WOW I am sure you are thinking that is A LOT of stuff. Believe it or not I saved TONS of money my order if I wouldn't have had discounts,free stuff and points I would have paid $369.87 out of pocket! Hear me out now I do NOT have that kind of money I am barely making it on my bills, I got ALL of that for FREE because I earned POINTS :) How awesome is that. That was on August 1st that I did that. Sadly I had to return 2 items but they were credited back to my gift card I used, I earn points day after day added with that gift card and got an other order on August 14th totaling out to $138.68 again that was also with $50.20 in discounts cause items were on sale or I got them as Buy Out Reviews (will explain that soon)! Again, I paid NOTHING out of pocket I used all points for my orders, some of the people I personally know I have told about the Points Program that Eden offers to us contributors, some have joined an made good orders themselves while others have joined an gave up because it took too long to earn the points. Another thing that I think is generous is even when you spend money,points or Gift Cards you earn back 5% in points of what you spent! So you really are NEVER at a balance of 0 when it comes to points!
Review Program-I also partake in the Eden Review Program, it is an onsite program where I am able to choose one item a month within my price range, I get it for FREE in exchange for an honest review. How do you choose what you get to review?! Well you have a rank on Eden you earn your rank by people voting on your reviews,you voting on others reviews as well as site participation. There are MANY parts to the Review Program from written reviews,video reviews,adult video reviews,buyout reviews and descriptive reviews. These all are similar but very different at the same time I will do a small breakdown of them.
Types of Reviews
Written Review-You can write a review on items you have purchased from Eden or anywhere as long as they are on the site.
Advanced Review Program:With this program there are TWO ways of getting in one is writing 2 or more reviews then being voted in by the community the other is getting a mentor through the mentoring program where you are taught how to do proper reviews.
Video Review-This is more of an infomercial where you tell about how the item you are reviewing works,pros,cons,functions as well as your thoughts. These go along with written reviews as well.
Adult Video Reviews-Pretty much the same as the Video Review but you show some nudity NOT of you actually using the product per say, depending on the product that is. Checkout some video reviews here! This is my friend Lusciouslollypop's video ;)
Buyout Reviews-These too are written reviews in which Advanced Reviewer's can choose ANY item(s) they want an get them at a discount. Buyout Reviews can be conjoined with a video review but you don't get these for free you get a 30% discount off the item(s) and they are approved right away.
Descriptive Reviews-Are done by a panel that is chosen to review the newest products that are being offered at Eden, so that when you go to the product page you see more then just the manufacture's details on the item.

One of my faves that was removed a few months ago but recently brought back is the Eden's Blogger Program that is actually how I got started with Eden to begin was blogging reviews then I switched over the to Sponsored Posts Program where I get Gift Cards for posting and promoting Eden! The payout varies depending on what all I add to my posts.
With all the wonderful things offered at Eden Fantasys I keep my "Kitty" completely happy! I love that there is such a place that offers so many ways to "earn" product,review product as well as a supportive community. I have made a good friend since joining Eden, I spend a lot of my time over in the forum answering polls,questions,posts,making my own polls and discussions. I love that everyone here is very open as well as non judgmental when you ask questions. Best of all it is pretty much anonymous when you ask since NO ONE really knows who you are unless you choose to make yourself known by your screen name or avatar. A few of my real life friends know who I am on Eden but I talk to them about my personal life anyways so no need to hide over there. I honestly wish I would have started utilizing all these programs a year ago when I started working with Eden. Do you know how much stuff I would have if I would have realized what the Points Program was all about?! I could have tons of stuff not that I don't already do but my collection could have been a lot bigger! My ranking would be a lot higher if I cross posted my reviews on my blog as well as on Eden itself. No worries though, my reviews have improved A LOT over the past year so I can always go back an re-review those same exact items on Eden and give more information about they toy that I may have left out when I did the original review on my blog.

This post is sponsored by Eden Fantasys-The Shop You Can Trust
Points Program-Click on the purple highlighted area that says "Points Program" and signup to join Eden's Community where you too can start earning your very own points. The points system is pretty easy to figure out how it works and what you can do to earn points on a daily basis. You can see the breakdown of tasks here once you join! I don't normally accomplish all those tasks in one day but no matter how often you get on or the amount of points you earn in a day they add up QUICK. Ask me how I know?! Wait, don't ask me cause I am HAPPY to tell you, I just cashed out an order at the beginning of the month for $255 WOW I am sure you are thinking that is A LOT of stuff. Believe it or not I saved TONS of money my order if I wouldn't have had discounts,free stuff and points I would have paid $369.87 out of pocket! Hear me out now I do NOT have that kind of money I am barely making it on my bills, I got ALL of that for FREE because I earned POINTS :) How awesome is that. That was on August 1st that I did that. Sadly I had to return 2 items but they were credited back to my gift card I used, I earn points day after day added with that gift card and got an other order on August 14th totaling out to $138.68 again that was also with $50.20 in discounts cause items were on sale or I got them as Buy Out Reviews (will explain that soon)! Again, I paid NOTHING out of pocket I used all points for my orders, some of the people I personally know I have told about the Points Program that Eden offers to us contributors, some have joined an made good orders themselves while others have joined an gave up because it took too long to earn the points. Another thing that I think is generous is even when you spend money,points or Gift Cards you earn back 5% in points of what you spent! So you really are NEVER at a balance of 0 when it comes to points!
Review Program-I also partake in the Eden Review Program, it is an onsite program where I am able to choose one item a month within my price range, I get it for FREE in exchange for an honest review. How do you choose what you get to review?! Well you have a rank on Eden you earn your rank by people voting on your reviews,you voting on others reviews as well as site participation. There are MANY parts to the Review Program from written reviews,video reviews,adult video reviews,buyout reviews and descriptive reviews. These all are similar but very different at the same time I will do a small breakdown of them.
Types of Reviews
Written Review-You can write a review on items you have purchased from Eden or anywhere as long as they are on the site.
Advanced Review Program:With this program there are TWO ways of getting in one is writing 2 or more reviews then being voted in by the community the other is getting a mentor through the mentoring program where you are taught how to do proper reviews.
Video Review-This is more of an infomercial where you tell about how the item you are reviewing works,pros,cons,functions as well as your thoughts. These go along with written reviews as well.
Adult Video Reviews-Pretty much the same as the Video Review but you show some nudity NOT of you actually using the product per say, depending on the product that is. Checkout some video reviews here! This is my friend Lusciouslollypop's video ;)
Buyout Reviews-These too are written reviews in which Advanced Reviewer's can choose ANY item(s) they want an get them at a discount. Buyout Reviews can be conjoined with a video review but you don't get these for free you get a 30% discount off the item(s) and they are approved right away.
Descriptive Reviews-Are done by a panel that is chosen to review the newest products that are being offered at Eden, so that when you go to the product page you see more then just the manufacture's details on the item.
One of my faves that was removed a few months ago but recently brought back is the Eden's Blogger Program that is actually how I got started with Eden to begin was blogging reviews then I switched over the to Sponsored Posts Program where I get Gift Cards for posting and promoting Eden! The payout varies depending on what all I add to my posts.
With all the wonderful things offered at Eden Fantasys I keep my "Kitty" completely happy! I love that there is such a place that offers so many ways to "earn" product,review product as well as a supportive community. I have made a good friend since joining Eden, I spend a lot of my time over in the forum answering polls,questions,posts,making my own polls and discussions. I love that everyone here is very open as well as non judgmental when you ask questions. Best of all it is pretty much anonymous when you ask since NO ONE really knows who you are unless you choose to make yourself known by your screen name or avatar. A few of my real life friends know who I am on Eden but I talk to them about my personal life anyways so no need to hide over there. I honestly wish I would have started utilizing all these programs a year ago when I started working with Eden. Do you know how much stuff I would have if I would have realized what the Points Program was all about?! I could have tons of stuff not that I don't already do but my collection could have been a lot bigger! My ranking would be a lot higher if I cross posted my reviews on my blog as well as on Eden itself. No worries though, my reviews have improved A LOT over the past year so I can always go back an re-review those same exact items on Eden and give more information about they toy that I may have left out when I did the original review on my blog.
This post is sponsored by Eden Fantasys-The Shop You Can Trust
10 August 2012
Enter to Win a Dyson
Checkout this AWESOME Giveaway I am helping share :)
Check out the giveaway and enter for a chance to win your very own Dyson Vacuum!!!
Mom Powered Media proudly presents the Dyson DC24 Giveaway
Dyson "The Ball" DC24 VacuumImpress yourself with your beautiful floors when you use the Dyson DC24 All-Floors Lightweight Upright Vacuum. Ultra lightweight and compact makes vacuuming with this machine effortless. The Dyson "Ball" technology turns the vacuum on a dime with no loss of suction, combined with the patented Root Cyclone technology makes this one extreme powerhouse of clean.
Dyson "The Ball" DC24 All-Floors Lightweight Upright Vacuum Includes:
- Bristle brush
- Product manual
- Clear hygienic dust collection bin - empty the bin with a push of a button
- Lifetime washable HEPA filter - requires no maintenance and lasts for the life of the vacuum
- Fingertip brush control - turn brushbar on and off at the touch of a button
- Motorized brushbar - powerful bristles remove dirt and pet hair from carpets
- On-board tool storage - brush, stair and crevice tools store right on your vacuum so they're always on hand
- Reversible wand - for dual usage
- On-board tool storage - brush, stair and crevice tools store right on your vacuum so they're always on hand
- Certified Asthma and Allergy Friendly by the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America
Many vacuums use filters to trap dirt, which can cause clogs and suction problems. But Dyson, maker of the world's first cyclonic bagless vacuum, features technology that uses centrifugal force to separate dirt out of the airflow, so the vacuum doesn't clog. Dyson proves no loss of suction using the IEC 60312 Cl 2.9 test standard. As the only vacuum to be certified by the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America and featuring Clean Exhaust Air, it's easy to see why Dyson is an excellent choice for all your floor surfaces.
04 August 2012
A Peek At My Collection :)
So a few people I know personally have inquired about my wonderful toy collection, since they are so curious since I do all these wonderful reviews for so many companies as well as earn gift cards for such items. Last week I cleaned and organized my room which also included sorting and organizing my toys! Holy WOWZA I didn't realize I had so much stuff! I really only thought I had very few toys, which in fact I was WRONG I have TONS of stuff and some things I forgot I even had. So I laid it all out and took pictures of everything, not individually but as a group from lubes and lotions to ALL my vibes,dildos,bullets and other odds and ends.
I will share with you my pictures mind you this isn't all I have there are 2 things missing from this picture that I had in my possession I am missing my Wall Banger Rabbit Pearl and the Thumber Vibrating Cock Ring those were in my bathroom cabinet since they are waterproof.
Here is my WHOLE collection of lubes,lotions and toy cleaners. One toy cleaner is missing from this as it is on my bathroom counter :) All my lubes are water based lubes I currently own one silicone lube that is apart of my Jo 2 to Tango Pack. My lubes vary from flavored to non flavored lubes, I love flavored lubes that warm for surprises or different sensations to spice things up during oral play. Also you will see different body lotions that are good for giving massages :)
Now onto my wonderful growing Toy Collection, this collection ranges from vibes,dildos,bullets and so much more! I have silicone,jelly (barf),glass and plastic. Here is my oh so WONDERFUL toy collection that so many are jealous of!!!
I am proud of my toy collection, I MUST say that all of this besides one piece I paid for out of pocket but that piece was bought MANY years ago. Everything else has been review items,items I purchased with my points and gift cards that I have earned from Eden Fantasys as well as the FREE gifts I am able to add to my orders from Eden Fantasys. So for all of those people who have asked me if "earning points" on Eden Fantasys is worth it?! Here is your answer YES it is very well worth it! While NOT all of my toys are from earning points from Eden Fantasys some are review items I got when I was doing blogger reviews for them.

I do a lot of contacting to toy companies as well about reviewing their items and promoting them on my blog as well as my other Social Media outlets that I use. Normally they are welcoming me into their review program with open arms :) I will say I am ALWAYS so very EXCITED when I get a YES we would LOVE to work with you response!! In fact I have a few packages on their way to me with tons of sexy goodness inside, an I can't wait for them to show up on my doorstep!!
I have 2 other pieces to add to this photo that I got in just yesterday, I am EXCITED about my 2 new items. I have gone through an rehomed a few of the toys I hadn't used or that could be sterilized. So I MUST keep adding to my collection, my NEXT collection post will feature ALL my sexy lingerie I have been collecting. You too could grow a collection like mine if you really wanted too :)
I will share with you my pictures mind you this isn't all I have there are 2 things missing from this picture that I had in my possession I am missing my Wall Banger Rabbit Pearl and the Thumber Vibrating Cock Ring those were in my bathroom cabinet since they are waterproof.
Now onto my wonderful growing Toy Collection, this collection ranges from vibes,dildos,bullets and so much more! I have silicone,jelly (barf),glass and plastic. Here is my oh so WONDERFUL toy collection that so many are jealous of!!!
I am proud of my toy collection, I MUST say that all of this besides one piece I paid for out of pocket but that piece was bought MANY years ago. Everything else has been review items,items I purchased with my points and gift cards that I have earned from Eden Fantasys as well as the FREE gifts I am able to add to my orders from Eden Fantasys. So for all of those people who have asked me if "earning points" on Eden Fantasys is worth it?! Here is your answer YES it is very well worth it! While NOT all of my toys are from earning points from Eden Fantasys some are review items I got when I was doing blogger reviews for them.
I have 2 other pieces to add to this photo that I got in just yesterday, I am EXCITED about my 2 new items. I have gone through an rehomed a few of the toys I hadn't used or that could be sterilized. So I MUST keep adding to my collection, my NEXT collection post will feature ALL my sexy lingerie I have been collecting. You too could grow a collection like mine if you really wanted too :)
01 August 2012
Sexy & I KNOW It Plus Size Style
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Diamond Candle Giveaway :)
These Diamond Candles are so HOT right now! Every candle has a ring in it, valued between $10 and $5,000!
If you've been wanting a Diamond Candle, here's your chance! Rita Reviews and A Country Girl's NOT So Simple Life along with some other great blogs are hosting a Diamond Candle giveaway! And they are not giving away just one Diamond Candle, they are giving away TWO sets of FIVE of them! THAT'S RIGHT there will be 2 winners! Will you be a winner? Get your entries in!The winners will have their choice of scent from the Diamond Candles website!
These are really neat candles, I have actually been trying to win one myself for several months! Good Luck
This will run from 8/3/12 at 12:01 am EST through 8/24/12 at 11:59 pm EST and is open to Worldwide. Good luck everyone!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Please Note: Rita Reviews is solely responsible for the notifying of the winners as well as shipping the prizes and not A Country Girl's NOT So Simple Life.
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