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04 September 2013
I Am In LOVE With This Black Rabbit
I was amazed by how much I truly loved this rabbit. I have tried several rabbits over the years and I must say that this one has pretty much replaced my Silly Rabbit that I reviewed a few months back. I love seeing so many new vibes being made of Silicone. If you are looking for something that has power and rotates you are in for a treat when it comes to this baby.
I was super ecstatic when I tossed the Black Label Jack Rabbit Rechargeable into my cart, I have been eyeing this beauty since it hit Eden! I am slowly trying to venture over to getting all rechargeable toys so this was a great thing, the Black Label Jack Rabbit Rechargeable is the anniversary addition according to the box, there is a non rechargeable version of the Rechargeable which can be found HERE. They have the same specifics I wanted but one was rechargeable while the other wasn't, I snagged this at 30% off in a sale. There is a $40 difference in price between the rechargeable and the standard battery operated Black Label Jack Rabbit. I took the plunge and got the rechargeable and so far have no regrets.
The Black Label Jack Rabbit Rechargeable is best used for myself in the bed but you can use it wherever you please couch,bed,car,shower you name it I am sure you could make it possible. The Black Label Jack Rabbit Rechargeable is a vibrator that is designed to stimulated you vaginally with penetration,G-Spot with a slight curve at the tip of the shaft and there is a raised bump in the middle of the shaft that stimulated my G-Spot really well, last but not least the clitoral stimulation that is brought on by some amazing rabbit ears. If you would like you could turn the rabbit around and let the rabbit ears tickles the outside of the anus as well.
For whom might this work for?! I would say any woman who loves a good rabbit, men could possibly use the rabbit as well. I would not recommend using this anally as there is no flared base but I am sure some will still use it since the rabbit part is there so its less likely to get sucked into the black hole of no return. I personally wouldn't use this anally.
You can use this wonderful rabbit alone or with a partner, I have only used this solo. I simply can't wait to use it with my partner though.
I wouldn't say that this is very travel friendly because of its size but I am sure you could slip it into your bags with no issue, just know people will know exactly what it is use for.
Material / Texture
What's This Man Made Of?!
I am happy to report that the Black Label Jack Rabbit Rechargeable is made of 100% Silicone which rates a 10 on Eden's Safety Scale. So what does that mean? personally for me that means I am good to go on using this since I won't have any reactions that I do to other materials that toys are often made of. For you, let's see Silicone has no smell to it so you won't open a box and be slapped in the face by a horrible smell that no matter what you seem to do it never goes away! Silicone is also a nonporous material so you don't have to worry about your vaginal secretions soaking into the material. Silicone can be sterilized as well which is one of the main reasons I love the material so much.
Silicone is also a Food Grade Material that is:Hypo-Allergenic,Latex Free,Nonporous and Phthalates Free.
The feel of this rabbit is wonderful just like most silicone toys it is smooth to the touch in places that don't have texture. I would recommend using a lube with this though because without being properly lubed there is a slight dragging feeling from the silicone. There are ridges throughout the shaft that are pretty smooth themselves honestly it is suppose to be added texture, I personally didn't feel them when the vibe was inside me.
Personally I would say that this vibe could be for beginners or advanced users such as myself when it comes to texture since its very smooth even with the ridges.
The Black Label Jack Rabbit Rechargeable is a rabbit style vibrator that is designed to be used vaginally with the added stimulation of Clitoral and G-Spot stimulation. The tip of the shaft has a slight curve to it but not much so for some this may not provide adequate G-Spot stimulation but have no fear, there is a raised bump in the middle of the shaft that I found to provide me with better G-Spot stimulation with each thrust. The rabbit attachment is amazing itself, I love rabbit style vibes so this is a plus. The rabbit ears fit my anatomy perfectly and the feel of the rabbit ears fluttering away is amazing.
The tip of the vibrator is rounded and has somewhat of a realistic look to it but not much, this makes it easy to insert.
Size Matters or Does It?
If size matters to you this would be where you want to pay close attention then. I wouldn't say this is a Size Queen toy specifically it can be enjoyed by many different people from people who like things on the slimmer side or the thicker side.
The full length from tip of the shaft to the bottom where your battery is measures in at a whopping 10 inches
Insertable Length
How deep can this rabbit dig it's hole? Well this rabbit can only dig his hole 5 1/2 inches deep.
5 1/4 inches
1 3/4 inches
0.75 lb
Hide the Bunny
If you were to ask me if this was a discreet item I would simply say NO because you can tell exactly what it is used for just by looking at it. This wouldn't be easy to hide out in the open like if you were hoping that it would blend into your headboard or something. You can easily slip this into a toy box or toy storage container that you use just make sure that you are storing it in a pouch or some other type of container before tossing it in with other toys. If you don't put this into a pouch or have something separating it from other toys you could very well end up with a disaster thing of your dad's fishing worms that sat in the sun too long and melted together. We wouldn't want any of our toys looking like that would we?!
Would I travel with my Black Label Jack Rabbit Rechargeable? I will be honest with you theonly way I would travel with this big boy would be if I were driving myself. I would not take this on a plane,train or bus because the controls are push buttons and are easily pushed. If you do choose to travel by public transportation with this make sure the battery is completely dead if you are worried that it may go off in transport.
Size wise I wouldn't really recommend this for a beginner unless you are aware of the fact that you like things on the bigger side of things.
If you are into things that rotate,vibrate and escalate this is for you. There are several functions inside this bunny!
The rotation on this is amazing to me, you are able to get this baby swirling around your vaginal walls with the push of two buttons which would be the Power Button & the Arrow Speed Buttons. Rotation that is provided isn't like what you would find in most rabbits, it isn't pleasure pearls or beads the whole shafts rotates in a clockwise direction. I wish there was a way to change the rotation but there isn't I like switching things up. There are 3 speeds of rotation Slow,Fast,Faster that is really the only way to explain in it text you will have to check out the video that will be added to see what I am talking about.
Vibrate & Escalate
If you like escalating or changing in vibrations to switch it up during play you are in luck there are seven different settings on this bad boy. When you power on the vibrator you will press the Wavy Button which is what controls your vibration speeds.
Press Once For:Slow Vibrations-Bzzzz
Press Twice For:Medium Vibrations-Bzzzzzz
Press Three Times For:Highest Vibrations-Bzzzzzzz
Press Four Times For:Pulsating Vibrations -Bzzz Bzzz Bzzz
Press Five Times For:Pulsating up to Medium Speed Vibrations-Bzzzzzzzzzzz Bzzzzzzzz
Press Six Times For:Slow pulsating of High Vibrations-Bzzzz Bzzzz
Press Seven Times For:Bzz Bzzzz Bzzzz Bzz
The Black Label Jack Rabbit Rechargeable runs off of a you'll NEVER guess, a rechargeable battery! When I got my rabbit in the mail it did turn on but I charged it up anyways cause there is no telling how long that battery would have lasted otherwise. It takes 8 hours to completely charge this baby, I personally thought I read it wrong! Thought to myself, "Really 8 hours to charge this?" Good thing I didn't want to play right away right?! I would have been screwed an not in a good way. I tossed it on the charger an left to go do somethings I needed to get done which then left me thinking I really hope there is no way to overcharge that. Since there are NO instructions it just says charge for 8 hours I can't verify if it will fry out your lovely rabbit. I can say mine was charging for about twice as long as it should have and it wasn't hot or anything when I got home an it still functioned as it should have.
Captions on the photo say it all, wall charger and USB slot
**How Long Will The Charge Last
The back of the box says that an 8 hour charge should get you 1.5 hours of play on the highest settings and 3 hours on the lowest of settings. I found that I used mine for about an hour on 2 different nights an it still had a pretty good charge and only took about an hour to fully recharge it.
Even though there is a picture up in the collage this shows the controls better.
Blue LED Light
As mentioned about the blue LED light is to indicate charging but that isn't it's only purpose here, you see the blue LED light also indicates power. When you turn on your Black Label Jack Rabbit Rechargeable you will see the blue LED light come on letting you know that you are charged and ready to go! The light stays steady while in use, it doesn't flash or any of that stuff that I have seen on other vibrators.
Wavy Button
Next in line you will see the Wavy looking button that controls the motor for your clitoral stimulator. Want to get your bunny's ears a jumping? Simply press the Wavy button until you have reached your desired setting. You can only scroll through the rabbit ear settings with one button which I find is kind of a downfall in a sense. If you come across the desired speed or pattern and you accidentally pass it you has to cycle back through the settings until you come back to the one you wanted.
Power Button
That should say it all one simple push of this button will turn the power on for your rabbit, note though that doesn't mean its going to start vibrating because it won't. You must use the Shaft and Clitoral Stimulator buttons to start those up. If you are one of those who always fears that you will get interrupted in the middle of playtime and need a quick way to turn off your toys, you have that with the Black Label Jack Rabbit Rechargeable simply hit the power button and everything shuts off.
The Up and Down Arrows are what controls the rotation in the shaft of the Black Label Jack Rabbit Rechargeable. What do these buttons do for the rotation?!
Press The Up Arrow Once For The:Slowest Speed of Rotation
Press The Up Arrow Twice For The:Medium Speed of Rotation
Press The Up Arrow Three Times For The:Highest Speed of Rotation
Pressing the Down Arrow will give you the opposite effect and will go back through all the speed rotations backwards until the rotation stops.
Care and Maintenance
The Black Label Jack Rabbit Rechargeable is pretty easy to care for with it being Silicone and waterproof there are several ways you can clean this which is always a plus.
***Many Ways To Clean***
It is recommended that you clean your sex toys BEFORE and AFTER each and every use.
1.)Soap & Water this can submerged into the water without problems as it is marked waterproof
2.)Bleach & Water Solution, please make sure you rinse off your rabbit very well if you are using the 10% bleach solution.
3.)Toy wipes is a good way to clean this as well.
4.)Antibacterial Toy Cleaner, this is what I use and swear by for all my toys.
*****Do NOT Boil or Put In Dishwasher*****
Since there are motors inside of this if you boil or put it in the dishwasher you will ruin the motors. Even though this is waterproof the motors won't be able to withstand the heat of the dishwasher or boiling it.
Who am I Compatible With?!
When using silicone toys you want to make sure that you are not using a silicone lube as this can cause a huge sex toy disaster!!! I am sure none of us here want to have a melted mess, imagine yourself as a child and your dad's fishing worms sitting out in the hot sun melting together. Horrible thought right?! Well using silicone lube on silicone toys can cause the same affect. It is highly recommended to use only Water Based lubes with silicone toys.
Right now I am storing this little bunny in the box he came in which isn't all that sturdy so it won't hold up forever. Eventually I want to get a padded pouch for him to be able to call it home. I would recommend if you are worried about lint or animal hair getting on this it is best to store in a bag or the package it came in to keep it clean.
This isn't a discreet toy so I would not just toss on the shelf or headboard for storage if you are worried others will find it. With the size it would be a little difficult to store as well depending on your storage system you have in place. I personally don't have issues with storing as mine either lays in the box on the dresser or is put on a shelf in the box on my headboard.
You will receive your Black Label Jack Rabbit Rechargeable in the plain brown box as usual when ordering from Eden however, once you pull the box out you will see an very non discreet box. On the front of the box you will see a picture of the Black Label Jack Rabbit Rechargeable it states that this is the Anniversary Edition,3 powerful motors,7 functions of vibrations,pulsation and escalation. On the bottom corner it states that this is made of Pure Silicone and that it is rechargeable.
The Black Label Jack Rabbit Rechargeable was Made in China but packaged in the USA. This is so as a Novelty Item ONLY. It states that you should make sure that the cover to the recharge port is secured before use.
This products is intended for use as a novelty product only. For external use only. Any product used for medical purpose or for a use that has an adverse effect on any function of the body is prohibited.
Of course we know this is going to be used internally as do they but they put this on the package to cover their rears if people decide to do stupid stuff with it causing injury.
Rolling over to the back of the box you will find in five languages the following information:
*3 Motors
*3 Speeds of shaft rotation
*Rabbit has 7 functions of vibration,pulsation and escalation
*Luxurious body safe silicone
*Auto-off button
*Easy touch controller with LED
*May be used in or out of the water
*Complete charge in 8 hours
*Massager will run on highest speed for 1.5 hours and the lowest speed for 3
*LED indicator light for charging
You will also find the following logos across the bottom:i7,Waterproof,Pure Silicone,Rechargeable Batteries Included and the California Exotic Logo. There is also a website where you can register your toy if you wish.
What Does it Sound Like?
I am here to tell you that this isn't a quiet toy by any means considering it has three motors inside of it. The motors are located in the head,shaft and rabbit attachment. You can definitely hear this bunny kicking from under the covers. Do I think you would be able to hear it through a closed door with the T.V. on?! No I used mine with the door shut and the T.V. without anyone noticing but then again no one was in the living room each night I used it. If you chose to use it in the shower I don't think the motors would be heard over the running shower either especially if you are like me and listen to music while in the shower.
I would have loved to see a user's manual with this so I knew if there was a power cutoff once the Black Label Jack Rabbit Rechargeable was fully charged. I am not sure if you can overcharge this but from my experience 16 hours on the charger didn't do any damage to mine but I wouldn't chance it try to make sure you'll be around once the 8 hours of charging is up.
On the waterproof I am not 100% sure on the waterproof feature on this item as my toys never go to the shower with me.
I can say I absolutely love my Black Label Jack Rabbit Rechargeable it has brought me several orgasms in the 2 nights that I have used it back to back. I love that it was easy to clean as well even with the ridges that are on it, it was very simple to wipe all vaginal secretions off the rabbit. I can't wait to see my partner so he can use this on me it helped our phone sex session out big time!
Normally I NEVER type up an update until it is time to do the followup review, however, I just can't help but to say how much more I love this rabbit!!! I will say that this is seriously my go to toy, my partner calls almost every night before he goes to bed and makes the comments of I want to hear my baby sing *blush* which means he wants to hear me moaning. He truly loves hearing the sound of the rabbit coming out of the box. I really never thought I would use this rabbit as much as I have!! I can say that the battery life is pretty spot on with the 1.5 hours at the highest speed. I have used this for two nights in a row for about 45 minutes each time an the last time I used it the battery was slowly dying. You will notice the bunny slowly slowing down as the battery drains its last bit of juice it has. So if you want to have it going strong make sure you recharge it after each use or you may be left high and well wet without the proper finish. If anything else comes about while I can edit this I will post it if not I will be sure to post it in the followup review.
This item I purchased on my own from Eden.
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